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The Rise of Environmental Awareness in India’s Real Estate Sector

COVID-19 The pandemic has prompted a major shift in the priorities of Indian home buyers, with environmental quality now playing a significant role in home buying decisions. This trend is particularly evident in large cities, where pollution levels have reached alarming heights, raising serious health concerns. As a result, there has been a dramatic increase in demand for homes that can mitigate urban pollution.

The Rise of Environmental Awareness in India’s Real Estate Sector

This new emphasis on environmental factors is pushing up the prices of properties located in healthier, greener areas. This is particularly evident in areas such as Karjat and Goa, where demand and prices of real estate have risen sharply. This trend is not limited to any particular segment of the population, as the desire for a healthy lifestyle has permeated all segments of the population.

In order to meet the changing needs of consumers, developers are increasingly incorporating modern amenities and open spaces in their projects. This shift is not a passing fad, but a major shift towards a more holistic approach to real estate that prioritizes health, cleaner air and better lifestyles. Driven by environmental awareness and a commitment to healthy living, this marks the beginning of a new era in Indian real estate.


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